List of the upcoming and past events organized by the members of the project consortium that are relevant to the framework of the project FrontSeat.
Event Calendar
Consortium Meetings
The main meetings of the project consortium.
FrontSeat Summer Schools
Summer School on Optimization-Based Embedded Control Systems, RUB, 2025
FrontSeat Summer School on Optimization-based Control Systems: Theory & Applications, UNIPI, 2024
FrontSeat Summer School on Embedded Optimal Control, STUBA. 2023
Academia Meets Industry
The Academia Meets Industry seminars are activities aimed to stimulate discussion between academia and industry managers and practitioners. We believe in the need for the industry to play an active role in this discussion to help to shape the academic research agenda that would reflect their pressing and emerging issues.
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Research Seminar on Smart Cybernetics
The Research Seminar on Smart Cybernetics is held as a discussion seminar among the students and researchers from the research groups of the FrontSeat project partners, their networks, and the general public. Anyone is welcome to discuss any research topic within the cybernetics area. Anyone is welcome to discuss any research topic within the cybernetics area.
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Open Doors Days
We communicate our excellence in science and education to a wide public audience by organizing various Open Doors Day activities.
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More events:
Scientific Seminar at UNIPI
Date: March, 6, 2025
Title: FrontSeat Scientific Seminar at the University of Pisa
Event: Scientific Seminar
Location: online / UNIPI, School of Engineering
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Scientific Seminar at the University of Pisa
Date: May 27, 2024
Title: FrontSeat Scientific Seminar at the University of Pisa
Event: Scientific Seminar
Location: UNIPI
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FrontSeat Scientific Seminar at the University of Pisa
Date: October 12, 2023
Title: FrontSeat Scientific Seminar at the University of Pisa
Event: Scientific Seminar
Location: online / UNIPI, School of Engineering, Aula Magna Pacinotti
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Virtual Exchange with the Process Performance Improvement Group at Bayer
Date: September 22, 2023
Event: Academia-industry exchange
Location: online
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RUB Research School visits STUBA for initiating new PhD programme
Date: June 28-29, 2023
Title: RUB Research School Visits STUBA for Initiating new PhD Program
Event: Workshop
Location: STUBA, Vazovova 5, Bratislava, Slovakia
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Practical Workshops held by the University of Pisa
Date: June 21, 2023
Title: Practical Workshops held by the University of Pisa
Event: Workshop
Location: STUBA, Vazovova 5, Bratislava, Slovakia
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Slovak Technical University together with the University of Pisa invites you to 2 practical workshops: “The Horizon Europe non-scientific sections of the proposal” and “Budget setting in RIA/IA/CSA, ERC and MSCA: actual costs, lump sum, unit cost and fixed rate.” The workshops are organized within the project FrontSeat funded by the Twining scheme of Horizon Europe.
The Workshops will take place on 21 June, Wednesday, in Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, Vazovova 5.
9:00 – 12:00 The Horizon Europe non-scientific sections of the proposal.
The HE templates include section which you, as a scientist, may not be so familiar with. What Open Science, Gender in science, DNSH is about? How to deal with the Ethics self-assessment? What is the difference between Exploitation, Dissemination and Communication activities? The workshop will drive you through all this aspect of your proposal.
13:00 – 16:00 Budget setting in RIA/IA/CSA, ERC and MSCA: actual costs, lump sum, unit cost and fixed rate.
Let’s talk about money. Depending on the programme you are applying for in Horizon Europe, the approach to budget setting may vary. We will present you the main current frames, up to the new pilot on lump sum.
The workshops are for researchers, project managers, and everyone interested in Horizon Europe funding. The workshops will be held by the project managers from the University of Pisa. The seminar will be in English.
Registration is open until 12 June.
The number of participants is limited, please register here.
The European Innovation Council Pathfinder Program: Visionary Thinking for New Technologies
Date: June 20, 2023
Title: The European Innovation Council Pathfinder Program: Visionary Thinking for New Technologies
Event: Seminar
Location: STUBA, Vazovova 5, Bratislava, Slovakia
Poster: download
Slovak Technical University together with the University of Pisa invites you to the seminar “The European Innovation Council Pathfinder program: visionary thinking for new technologies.” which will take place on 20 June 2023, 10:00-11:30.
The seminar is organized within the project FrontSeat funded by the Twining scheme of Horizon Europe.
During the seminar, you will learn about The EIC Pathfinder which is the main Horizon Europe financial instrument for the exploration of bold ideas for radically new technologies. Pathfinder goes beyond what is already known and supports visionary thinking. The seminar will introduce you to the main features of the program and will provide you with some insight into how to write a competitive proposal and how to manage the rebuttal phase.
The seminar is open for researchers, project managers, and everyone interested in Horizon Europe funding. The seminar will be held by the project managers from the University of Pisa. The seminar will be in English.
The event will take place at Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, Vazovova 5.
Registration is open until 12 June. Registration here.
Pitch Talk by Prof. Miroslav Fikar
Date: March 22, 2023
Title: Data-Based Process Control and Estimation
Event: Workshop on Advanced Materials & Processes and Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability
Location: Regensburg, Germany
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Research Talk by Radoslav Paulen
Date: March 22, 2023
Title: Optimal Control of Batch Membrane Processes
Location: UNIPI, Pisa, Italy
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Research Talk by Rastislav Fáber
Date: March 20, 2023
Title: Machine Learning-Based Classification of Industrial Datasets
Location: UNIPI, Pisa, Italy
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Horizon Europe Info Day and Workshops supervised by UNIPI
Various workshops, practical exercises, and activities for researchers and project managers took place at the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava (STUBA) on March, 15-17. These activities were supervised by partners from the University of Pisa (UNIPI) in the framework of the FrontSeat project. Registration was open till March, 13 (the registration form).
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Popularization Lecture by Radoslav Paulen
Date: December 20, 2022
Title: My research abroad or the way there and back
Location: STU in Bratislava, Slovakia
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Research Talk by Radoslav Paulen
Date: November 25, 2022
Title: Convexification Techniques for Stationary/Dynamic Global Optimization and Set-Based Computing
Location: online format
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Guest Lecture from The Industry (SLOVNAFT, Member of MOL Group)
Date: November 14, 2022
Title: Modeling in Process Industry
Location: STU in Bratislava, Slovakia
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Scientific Seminar: Explicit Model Predictive Control for PDEs
Date: October 25, 2022
Title: Explicit Model Predictive Control for PDEs
Location: RUB Bochum, Germany (hybrid format: in-person and online format)
Speaker: Mikael Kurula (Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland)
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