Workshops, practical exercises, and co-working with partners from the University of Pisa.

Various workshops, practical exercises, and activities for researchers and project managers took place at the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava (STUBA) on March, 15-17. These activities were supervised by partners from the University of Pisa (UNIPI) in the framework of the FrontSeat project.
On the 15th of March National Contact Points for Horizon Europe in Slovakia: Kvetoslava Papanová, Erika Hlavatá, Miroslava Tužinská from Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information presented the Widening Programme, Cluster 4 and 5, and Katarína Šimková, the Marketing Manager, presented the overall structure of the organization. Researchers had the opportunity to have individual consultations with each National Contact Point.

After an informative morning, our colleagues Francesca Ceron and Marco Bargagna from the University of Pisa (UNIPI) presented 2 workshops: “Horizon Europe: Overview, the European Commission’s Funding, and Tender Portal and the submission procedure” and “Horizon Europe: RIA/IA/SCA template and evaluation process“. The presentations included insider tips and best practices on what to include in the project proposal, where to pay the most attention, how to schedule the proposal, and more.

The 16th of March started with a practical exercise, where researchers and project managers received part of a Horizon Europe proposal and had to comment on it as evaluators. The exercise was coordinated and led by Francesca and Marco from UNIPI. The four groups formed of three participants were formed and each group had a project manager. After the evaluation, during the second part of the exercise, each team of “evaluators” presented their comments. In the end, the comments of the real evaluators were revealed, showing that the teams were very close to the real evaluators.

In the afternoon and on the last day, STU project managers and UNIPI colleagues continued to work together on the creation of project management tools.

We would like to thank Francesca Ceron and Marco Bargagna for their dedication and sharing of knowledge and, of course, all the participants!
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon under grant no. 101079342 (Fostering Opportunities Towards Slovak Excellence in Advanced Control for Smart Industries).
Text: V. Platzner, foto: V. Platzner