FrontSeat Roll-Up #2

After picking-up experiences and evaluating some feedback, we are proudly introducing our new redesigned roll-up of the FrontSeat project. We are going to place FrontSeat roll-ups at our upcoming in-person FrontSeat events, including “Academia Meets Industry“, “Research Seminar on Smart Cybernetics“, “Summer School on Embedded Optimal Control“, and others. This Read more…

Follow us on Facebook

We are happy to keep in touch via social media, beginning on Facebook: Please, feel free to follow FrontSeat and share our content. Partners of the FrontSeat on FacebookThe following Facebook fanpages support and gain the communication of the project FrontSeat on the social media: This project has received Read more…

Project logo

We are proudly introducing the candidate logo of the project FrontSeat: Let us share the brief story of our logo. The logo has two layers. The first one is a clear monogram consisting of two letters: capital letters “F” and “S” corresponding to the project acronym “FrontSeat”. Simultaneously, we tried Read more…