From October 21 to 25, Juraj Oravec and Juraj Holaza from STUBA visited Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) to strengthen research cooperation with Professor Martin Mönnigmann’s research group. The main research focus was on advancing model predictive control (MPC) design and integrating the developed methods into open-source software tools.

Software MPT+

This visit included delivering a research seminar titled “From MPC Design to Code Prototype: MPT+“, where Juraj Oravec and Juraj Holaza presented two insightful lectures on Model Predictive Control (MPC) design methods and implementation, featuring the cutting-edge software package MPT+.

Read more about the seminar here.

Together with Professor Martin Mönnigmann, Juraj Oravec and Juraj Holaza discussed further possibilities for strengthening cooperation in the development of the MPT+ toolbox by integrating novel advanced features.

MPT+ is an open-source extension of the MATLAB-based Multi-Parametric Toolbox (MPT). This software is designed to simplify the design, analysis, and deployment of MPC policies, adding novel complexity reduction techniques for explicit MPC strategies and tube-based MPC designs. MPT+ is readily available for download on GitHub and can be seamlessly managed via the tbxManager.

Learn more about the MPT+ at the GitHub homepage.

Since its initial release in 2023, MPT+ has gained popularity, with over 90 downloads, 2 published peer-reviewed papers indexed in the recognized Web of Science and Scopus databases, 5 software updates, and 5 technical presentations—including 2 talks delivered to an international audience at IEEE-sponsored conferences.

MPT+ related research papers:

MPT+ related technical talks:

Advancing Research Cooperation

In addition, during the visit, they collaborated with Professor Mönnigmann and PhD student Nora Lindner on a research project aimed at reducing the complexity of MPC for drone position control. The experimental data are expected to be collected in the state-of-the-art Flight Laboratory at RUB Bochum, which is equipped with advanced facilities for the safe operation of the drones and high-precision measurements and validation of the developed control strategies. They enjoyed a guided tour and practical demonstrations of this advanced Flight Laboratory.



FrontSeat Consortium Meeting

During their research stay at RUB, Juraj Oravec and Juraj Holaza also attended the FrontSeat Consortium Meeting, where they presented and discussed progress updates on the particular tasks of the project with the consortium members.

Read more about the FrontSeat Consortium Meeting here (TBA).

In the framework of the project FrontSeat Consortium Meeting, they also enjoyed in-person lectures and discussions at scientific seminar delivered by recognized professors in the field of Model Predictive Control Design. First, Professor Rolf Findeisen from the Technical University Darmstadt presented the lecture on “Learning and Model Predictive Control Ensuring Safety and Optimality“. Next, he was followed by Professor Moritz Schulze Darup from the Technical University Dortmund, who presented his lecture on “Towards Explainable Data-Driven Predictive Control with Regularizations“.

Read more about the scientific seminar at RUB here.


Visit to the WORLDFACTORY Start-up Center

As part of the technical program of the FrontSeat Consortium Meeting, Juraj Oravec and Juraj Holaza enjoyed the visit to the former automotive factory in Bochum, which has been transformed into a state-of-the-art WORLDFACTORY Start-up Center. This innovative space not only provides cutting-edge technologies but also serves as a unique environment where the tradition of automotive manufacturing meets contemporary creative design. The WORLDFACTORY has been designed to support the development and evolution of innovative ideas, bridging the industrial heritage of the location with a modern, collaborative atmosphere that encourages forward-thinking business and technological advancements.

Read more about the visit to the WORLDFACTORY Start-up Center here (TBA).

Comfortably discussing innovative research ideas but still pointing out the necessity of critical thinking.

Campus Highlight

Beyond research, they enjoyed the scenic RUB Bochum campus, particularly its beautiful botanical garden, home to beautiful landscapes including an authentic Chinese garden.



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon under grant no. 101079342 (Fostering Opportunities Towards Slovak Excellence in Advanced Control for Smart Industries).


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