On the 1st of March, the FrontSeat Industry Council for Cybernetics met at the third “Academia Meets Industry” seminar at STUBA’s Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava.

“Academia Meets Industry” seminars are activities aimed to stimulate discussion between academia and industry managers and practitioners. We believe in the need for the industry to play an active role in this discussion to help shape the academic research agenda that would reflect their pressing and emerging issues. Read more at the Academia Meets Industry webpage.

In contrast to the last council meeting in Patince (read more), this time, the main motive of the seminar was for the industry partners to present their companies and activities and, in particular, to offer the selected research idea as topics of final theses for university students. The presentations were given, in order of appearance, by Ing. Rudolf Trautenberger (Spolchemie), Ing. Hynek Procházka, PhD. (Prosystemy), Ing. Michal Kopček, PhD. (SKARTEK), Ing. Pavol Buček, PhD. (ŽP VVC), Ing. Marián Šrámek (Micro-Epsilon Inspection), Ing. Marián Filka (Siemens), Ing. Richard Janáč (SOVA Digital), Ing. Peter Beňo, PhD. (Photoneo), Ing. František Jantoška (SCHUNK Intec), Ing. Zuzana Kovaríková (VUEZ), and Ing. Jaroslav Filo (S-D-A). The proposed topics of final theses were collected and are now distributed to 6 institutes at 4 faculties of STUBA, where they are to be offered to interested supervisors and students themselves.

The presentations were followed by a stimulative discussion – initiated by Prof. Miroslav Fikar (FCHPT STUBA), coordinator of the FrontSeat project, and Prof. František Duchoň (FEI STUBA), chair of the FrontSeat Industry Council – aimed at identifying ways how to further boost the dialogue between academia and industry. The industry representatives also expressed their expectations from the university graduates who shall turn into their future employees and highlighted several challenges that need to be addressed in order to make the field of cybernetics, but also technical education in general, more attractive. Both parties agreed that nowadays it is important to catch the interest of youngsters as early as possible, to motivate them to gain experience abroad, not to neglect teaching professional communication and soft skills, etc. In addition, some initial ideas were voiced on how to maintain and escalate the activity of our “academia-industry cluster” in the post-project phase, and these will be continued.

Participants of the meeting then used the opportunity to visit the nearby laboratories of the hosting Institute of Applied Informatics, Automation, and Mechatronics, kindly guided by its Assoc. Prof. Juhás. The council meeting was concluded with a joint lunch, where the members agreed to pick up on the discussed topics again in a few months.

Text: Martin Gulan, Foto: Martin Gulan

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon under grant no. 101079342 (Fostering Opportunities Towards Slovak Excellence in Advanced Control for Smart Industries).


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