On the 5th of September, many of the FrontSeat’s Industry Council for Cybernetics members had a unique opportunity to meet within a larger ceremony organized at STUBA, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of founding its Institute of Automatization, Informatization, and Measurement (UAIM) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – one of the academic members of the council.

UAIM Awards Academic and Industrial Contributors

Following a comprehensive presentation of UAIM and a series of ceremonial speeches given by representatives of the institute, faculty, and university, Assoc. Prof. Martin Juhás, head of UAIM, awarded the institute’s alumni and notable long-term academic and industrial collaborators, including STUBA’s cybernetics institutes and several industry companies participating in the FrontSeat project. As for the industrial partners, commemorative plaques were awarded to the companies Micro-Epsilon Inspection, Prosystemy, SCHUNK Intec, Siemens, SOVA Digital, ŽP VVC, and their representatives. Also invited to the ceremony were the representatives of several other FrontSeat industrial partners, in particular Garrett Motion Slovakia, Photoneo, VUEZ, and ABB.

Guests at the UAIM presentations.
UAIM awarded partners.

UAIM Lab Tours and Networking Banquet

The ceremony was followed by guided tours of UAIM laboratories, where activities and results realized with the support of FrontSeat and in collaboration with its Industry Council members were presented. The event then continued as a banquet with guests, using the opportunity for reunions, fruitful discussions on various topics, exchange of experiences, and even sparking some new collaborations.

Guests visited the laboratories of UAIM.

Czech and Slovak Institutes Collaborate and Share Insights

It is also worth noting that the ceremony was preceded by a two-day Symposium of automation, cybernetics, and informatics institutes of technical universities from the Czech and Slovak Republic — also organized by UAIM STUBA — where representatives of 18 institutes came together, presented their workplaces, shared their experience in education and research, and networked. Among them, Prof. Miroslav Fikar (UIAM STUBA) also used the opportunity to present the FrontSeat project and highlight its importance and the outputs achieved so far.

Participants of the Symposium of automation, cybernetics, and informatics institutes of technical universities from the Czech and Slovak Republic.
Prof. Miroslav Fikar presented the FrontSeat project.

Text: Martin Gulan, Foto: UAIM SjF

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon under grant no. 101079342 (Fostering Opportunities Towards Slovak Excellence in Advanced Control for Smart Industries).


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