RUB Research School visited the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava (STUBA) to present how the institution supports PhD students on their way to their graduation and to discuss how similar measures can be implemented for a new PhD programme at STUBA. The exchange was carried out within the Horizon Europe Project FrontSeat.

On the 28th of June, Dr. Christiane Wüllner and Dr. Jörn Benzinger (RUB Research School) held a presentation about RUB Research School for STUBA’s rector, vice-rectors, and deans. This was followed by an intensive discussion with Maria Buciova (STUBA) and Andrej Takáč (STUBA) about the diverse offers of the RUB Research School for PhD researchers. Dr. Wüllner and Dr. Benzinger also had the opportunity to consult with Miroslav Fikar, Professor at the Institute of Information Engineering, Automation, and Mathematics FCPT STU, on how to set up a new PhD programme in “Smart Process Control”. The day ended with a presentation about the different funding programs offered by RUB Research School to STUBA early-stage researchers and Ľubica Vitková, Vice-Rector for Foreign and Public Relations (STUBA).

The next day, the 29th of June, started with a discussion about the importance and chances of a graduate school at STUBA together with Mikulas Bittera, Vice-Rector for Education and Doctoral Studies (STUBA). This led to a discussion on ethics and research integrity, which marked the last topic of the exchange. It was again held together with Maria Buciova and Andrej Takáč.

The exchange helped to give a deeper insight into the benefits and implementation of an institution like the RUB Research School. It also supported the knowledge transfer for setting up a new generation of PhD programmes.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon under grant no. 101079342 (Fostering Opportunities Towards Slovak Excellence in Advanced Control for Smart Industries).

Text/Foto: David Müller (RUB)


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