Kristína Okienková, a PhD student at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, visited the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering at the University of Pisa, Italy, from September 1 until November 1, 2024. Read a brief note about her experience in Pisa.

The traineeship was focused on exploring methods of advanced optimal control, specifically Model Predictive Control (MPC) and its variants. The traineeship began with a focus on mastering MPC fundamentals through guided study and presentations. A major milestone was participating in the FrontSeat Summer School, where she attended workshops on state-of-the-art tools like CasADi, acados, and PyTorch. During the traineeship, Kristína designed a linear offset-free MPC using a state disturbance observer approach, which utilized a Kalman filter for estimation. She compared the design of offset-free MPC with the classic MPC on a simulation of the nonlinear model of the Van de Vusse reaction in MATLAB.

The traineeship concluded with a seminar titled Offset-free Model Predictive Control of the Van de Vusse Reaction. Here, Kristína presented her research findings, showcasing the improvements offered by offset-free MPC over traditional designs.

This experience not only deepened her expertise in MPC but also equipped her with valuable technical skills and a strong foundation in advanced control methods, preparing her for future challenges in the field.

Photo: Kristína Okienková (STUBA)

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon under grant no. 101079342 (Fostering Opportunities Towards Slovak Excellence in Advanced Control for Smart Industries).


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