On October 24-25, the FrontSeat project Consortium Meeting took place at the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) located in Bochum, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The Consortium Meeting offered a comprehensive program that greatly enriched the experience for all members. The agenda featured a diverse array of presentations, interactive discussions, scientific session, and a guided tour of an inspiring area, offering participants valuable insights and strengthening the cooperative efforts across the project.

STUBA: Miroslav Fikar, Radoslav Paulen, Juraj Oravec, Juraj Holaza, Viltaré Platzner, František Duchoň.
UNIPI: Gabriele Pannocchia (online), Marco Vaccari, Riccardo Bacci di Capaci, Francesca Ceron.
RUB: Martin Mönnigmann, David Müller, Nora Lindner.

The Consortium Meeting spanned two productive days, allowing members to comprehensively review progress across multiple areas of the project.
On the first day, the meeting began with welcome and introductory remarks from Prof. Martin Mönnigmann, followed by Prof. Miroslav Fikar’s concise summary of key events from February to October 2024, including submitted deliverables and achieved milestones. This set the stage for in-depth presentations and discussions focused on Work Packages 1 and 2. Each task within these work packages was thoroughly examined, with team members presenting both the achievements to date and their strategic plans for future steps.
The second day continued with presentations on Work Packages 3, 4, and 5. Each work package update offered insight into the progress made thus far, highlighting key milestones reached and laying out the next steps. This structured approach enabled consortium members to maintain a comprehensive view of the project’s trajectory and the contributions of each work package.

General Assembly Meeting

The regular meeting of the General Assembly of the project FrontSeat was organized within a FrontSeat Consortium Meeting, this time in a hybrid framework. The General Assembly meeting provides a platform for in-depth discussions, confirming the strategic direction of the project, addressing any unresolved issues, and the approval of essential project matters. Members of the General Assembly engaged actively in guiding the strategic direction of Project FrontSeat to ensure that decisions were closely aligned with the project’s primary objectives and upcoming milestones.

Scientific Session

As part of the FrontSeat project Consortium Meeting, a scientific session featuring distinguished professors in Model Predictive Control Design was organized. Professor Rolf Findeisen from Technical University Darmstadt initiated the session with his insightful presentation on “Learning and Model Predictive Control Ensuring Safety and Optimality”. Following him, Professor Moritz Schulze Darup from Technical University Dortmund shared his compelling research on “Towards Explainable Data-Driven Predictive Control with Regularizations”.

The seminar included lively discussion among participants, allowing for a deeper exploration of the presented ideas.

Read more about the seminar here.

Visit to the WORLDFACTORY Start-up Center

As part of the technical program of the FrontSeat Consortium Meeting, the members of the consortium of the project FrontSeat enjoyed the guided visit to the former automotive factory in Bochum, which has been transformed into a state-of-the-art WORLDFACTORY Start-up Center. This innovative space not only provides cutting-edge technologies but also serves as a unique environment where the tradition of automotive manufacturing meets contemporary creative design.

The WORLDFACTORY has been designed to support the development and evolution of innovative ideas, bridging the industrial heritage of the location with a modern, collaborative atmosphere that encourages forward-thinking business and technological advancements.

The Flight Laboratory of RUB is a part of this innovative research space.

Read more about the visit to WORLDFACTORY Start-up Center here.

The Consortium Meeting at RUB Bochum marked the close of the project’s second year, serving as a key moment to review the strategic goals and set priorities for the upcoming final year.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon under grant no. 101079342 (Fostering Opportunities Towards Slovak Excellence in Advanced Control for Smart Industries).


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