The 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2024) was held in Toronto from July 14 to 17, 2024. The International Program Committee has prepared an exciting scientific program that explores recent advances in the control of chemical, biochemical, and related process systems. Both academic and industrial control engineers had the opportunity to present their work and exchange research ideas with colleagues from all around the World. ADCHEM provided a perfect opportunity for the FrontSeat team to keep in touch with the recent developments in the field of automatic control.

In the framework of the project FrontSeat, plenty of various activities were realized at the ADCHEM.

Presentations of the scientific results

At the ADCHEM conference, we were proud to share the results of our scientific research with a worldwide audience.

Prof. Gabriele Pannocchia (UNIPI) delivered a Plenary Lecture at the conference entitled: “An Ongoing Journey Toward Model-Based Control and Optimization in the Presence of Uncertainties“.

Patrik Valábek delivered a talk presenting the main results of the research paper:

Patrik Valábek – Miroslav Fikar – Martin Klaučo: “Enhancing Closed-Loop Performance in Manufacturing Processes Using Universal Controller Tuning for Industrial Practice

Rastislav Fáber presented the poster of the research paper:

Rastislav Fáber – Martin Mojto – Karol Ľubušký – Radoslav Paulen: “Integrated Data Analytics and Regression Techniques for Real-Time Anomaly Detection in Industrial Processes”

Sebastian Leonow – Qi Zhang – Martin Monnigmann: “A Modular Soft Sensor for Centrifugal Pumps

Ali Mjalled – Kamil Sommer – Yogesh Parry Ravichandran – Romuald Skoda – Martin Monnigmann: “Reduced Order Models of Centrifugal Pump for Control Applications: “A Comparison of Galerkin-Projection and Neural Networks

Raphael Dyrska – Sebastian Leonow – Miroslav Fikar – Martin Monnigmann: “A Feasibility Condition for the Governor-Based Tuning of Explicit MPC: “Application to a Hydraulic Plant

Shahriar SystemDadras Javan – Benedikt Lammersmann – Martin Monnigmann: “MPC for Simultaneous Electrical and Thermal Flow Optimization in Buildings

Moreover, Assoc. Prof. Martin Klaučo and Patrik Valábek (STUBA) conducted a workshop on “Application of Machine Learning in Accelerating MPC for Chemical Processes“. The workshop focused on merging the domain of machine learning and model predictive control (MPC), focusing on reducing the computational burden and exploring the potential of approximate explicit control laws in industrial applications, read more here.

We are also proud that the members of the project FrontSeat consortium were also the Chairs and Co-Chairs of various sessions:

Prof. Miroslav Fikar (STUBA) chaired the keynote sessions on “Sensitivity-Based Adaptive Sampling for Physics-Informed Neural Networks” and “Solving for Exact Designs in Optimal Experiment Campaigns under Uncertainty”.

Prof. Martin Mönnigmann (RUB) was the Chairman of the Conference Openinng on Monday (July, 15) and the Co-Chair of the Plenary Lecture on Tuesday (July, 16). He was also the Co-Chair of the Poster Session.

Assoc. Prof. Martin Klaučo (STUBA) co-chaired the regular session regarding “Manufacturing Modeling and Control”.

GA meeting of the Project FrontSeat together with the Advisory Board, and other FrontSeat activities

The ADCHEM conference also offered an opportunity for the partners of the project FrontSeat to meet up with the Advisory Board of the project. At the meeting of the General Assembly, we discussed the progress of the project and preparation for future project activities.

Members of the General Assembly:
– Prof. Miroslav Fikar, STUBA
– Prof. Martin Mönnigmann, RUB
– Prof. Gabriele Pannocchia, UNIPI

Members of the Advisory Board:
– Prof. Sorin Olaru, Paris Saclay, France
– Prof. Morten Hovd, NTNU Trondheim, Norway
– Dr. Viera Pechancová, UTB Zlin, Czech Republic (excused)

During the conference, several other important meetings were held, such as the preparation of the Doctoral Network, and the report on preparations for the DYCOPS25 conference to be held in Bratislava.

Text/foto: Patrik Valábek and Rastislav Fáber (STUBA)

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon under grant no. 101079342 (Fostering Opportunities Towards Slovak Excellence in Advanced Control for Smart Industries).


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