Last week, Raphael Dyrska, Ph.D. student in the Automatic Control and Systems Theory group of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), visited the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STUBA) in the course of FrontSeat for a one-week research exchange.

Several collaborations were continued, among them a new AI-based NMPC approach together with Martin Klauco and Karol Kis from the Institute of Information Engineering, Automation, and Mathematics at STUBA. The week allowed us to intensify the work and plan the next steps during several in-person meetings. Furthermore, the first impressions Martin Gulan from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at STUBA has collected during his stay at RUB a few weeks ago turned into another cooperation with respect to an efficient implementation of control algorithms on lean embedded hardware.
On Friday, Raphael took part in the series of Scientific Seminars presenting recent results of his work on “Simple Controller Tuning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle using Governors”, which is a joint work between RUB and STUBA and one of many following results of the FrontSeat project (read more).

It was not the first trip to Bratislava for Raphael. From 2017 to 2022, he was responsible for the organization of a project funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, aiming at building a deep cooperation between RUB and STUBA, which can also be seen as the foundation of the FrontSeat project. During the years, he connected with both, the people at STUBA but also with the city.