Updated on December 22, 2022
On Tuesday, 20th of December, Radoslav Paulen, the associate professor in the Department of Information Engineering and Process Control, participated in the 4th conference of Slovak scientists – I Live Science Live 2022. Within the conference, he presented a popular science lecture “My research abroad or the way there and back”.

At the time Radoslav works at his alma mater, the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, where he previously got his master’s degree. His spirit of science took him for example to UniversitĂ© de Lorraine in France, Imperial College London in Great Britain and TU Dortmund in Germany. He is still developing his passion for research through collaborations with foreign institutions and the industrial section.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon under grant no. 101079342 (Fostering Opportunities Towards Slovak Excellence in Advanced Control for Smart Industries).