Already for the second time project managers and researchers of Slovak Technical University in Bratislava (STUBA) had an opportunity to attend seminars and practical workshops, which were organized together with the colleagues from University of Pisa (UNIPI) in the framework of the Horizon Europe project “FrontSeat”. 

Francesca Ceron

Francesca Ceron (UNIPI)

On the 20th of June, Martina Calamusa (UNIPI) held a seminar “The European Innovation Council Pathfinder programme: visionary thinking for new technologies”. During the seminar, Martina presented the EIC Pathfinder as the main Horizon Europe financial instrument for the exploration of bold ideas for radically new technologies. Pathfinder goes beyond what is already known and supports visionary thinking. The seminar introduced the listeners to the main features of the programme and included some insight on how to write a competitive proposal and how to manage the rebuttal phase.

Martina Calamusa

Martina Calamusa (UNIPI)

The next day, the 21st of June, was fully devoted to the practical workshops. Project managers and researchers took part in 2 workshops – “The Horizon Europe non-scientific sections of the proposal” and “Budget setting in RIA/IA/CSA, ERC, and MSCA: actual costs, lump sum, unit cost, and fixed rate”. Both workshops were held by Francesca Ceron (UNIPI).

Participants had a chance to read a real proposal and discuss the issues as well as prepare a budget. During the workshops such questions were discussed: What Open Science, Gender in Science, and DNSH are about? How to deal with the Ethics self-assessment? What is the difference between Exploitation, Dissemination, and Communication activities?

Attendees of the workshop

Attendees of the Workshops

Text: Viltaré Platzner, Foto: Viltaré Platzner

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon under grant no. 101079342 (Fostering Opportunities Towards Slovak Excellence in Advanced Control for Smart Industries).


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